

One of the main causes of stress is getting used to the new life which we have suddenly landed in. For most college students it’s the first time that they have lived outside the nurturing and protective security of the family unit. Their parents used to provide for them materially and used to set down boundaries on how to live. This no longer applies in college and one of the first tasks that they should undertake is to find an identity and effectively test the rules that were set out by their parents.

The uncertainty and lack of identity is a common cause of stress for them. School-related issues also cause stress for students these days. It can be caused by them doing so badly in college that they gave up all hope of doing something worthwhile with their lives, or it could be caused by just not living up to their own standards. Stress also creates the way people deal with things like smoking and drinking, which are worse ways of dealing with stress. These things sometimes lead college students to become depressed. Sometimes the multitude of life’s changes that occur during your college years can trigger serious depression.

The college atmosphere can be detrimental to someone dealing with depression because social life revolves around “keggers”, parties and going to bars. Because alcohol is a depressant, it only deepens the depression and hides its symptoms. When college students first became depressed, they tend to spend their weekends drinking. It consumes them throughout the week as they “suffer” through classes they have signed up for, when Sunday evenings came around and the weekend is typically over, and the depression comes back as it once did, or in some cases it comes back worse then before.

According to a study done in 2003 by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, alcohol-dependent individuals are almost 4 times more likely to have a major depressive disorder than those who are not dependent. The study also found that alcohol abuse was more common among students who had been diagnosed with depression than among those who had not. Alcohol and some drugs are very desirable to college students because it gets rid of the anxiety and stress of what they are doing in college. But most do not know that once the effects of these drugs disappear the depression comes back and they’re only left with that until they get their next drink or their next hit. But sometimes it’s just not enough to keep them from committing suicide.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for college students. And the number one cause of suicide for college student suicides as well as suicides in general is untreated depression. Going to college can be a difficult transition period in which students may feel lost, lonely, confused, anxious, inadequate, and stressed. And these problems may lead to depression. And again, untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stress or Greater Community

Stress, depression, and suicide are very important, for they bring you down and affect the level of production for present and future operations in your community. College is known for the pressure of school and working. It is crucial that college students make it through college and this high stress time with the most knowledge; if not, the results could affect our communities in the future and their place in our great nation.
The start of these things is from the tension caused by college and the work expected to be done by students. High levels of tension cause students to experience high levels of stress, depression and in worst case scenario suicide for students of all ages. A community is a big extended family caring for all members, whether it is a student, adult or child they are a part of a greater community.
“Stress is considered bad on all levels. We all encounter it and have to find ways to deal with it,” says Chrissie, a soon to be graduate of Bluffton University. A community with high levels of stress will see a decrease in community activity and support.
Depression is strongly related to stress. When students get stressed, they start to feel depression symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, rejection from everyone and change in appetite. In order for our community to get better, we need to be concerned about everybody’s well being, including the stressed, lonely and even depressed students.
Suicide is the result of stress and depression. It is such a sad thing when someone doesn’t view their life worthy to live anymore. A single person can be said by members of a small community as “a link to a strong chain without one link our community isn’t as strong,” from a student of Bluffton University, known as Jane. Video

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